Published on
May 31, 2024
Weekly Update

Monday, 3 June - School Assembly

We will have a school assembly on Monday, 3 June to explain the purpose of the Everyone Welcome Mission Week and to address the importance of kindness, respect, and empathy. Students will be educated about the impacts of words and actions, as well as examples of bullying behaviours we want to address in our school community. Students will gather in their core groups to view the assembly with a teacher present. The presentation will include remarks from Kevin Booth, President, Bob Lewin, Principal, and Owen Taylor '25, a member of the Human Rights Initiative group at St. Paul's High School. Attendance is compulsory for all students. Schedule V is in effect.

Click HERE for an information letter about Everyone Welcome Mission Week which was emailed to all St. Paul's parents this week.


Wednesday, 5 June: Late Start for Students

Schedule IV is in effect.

An Upcoming Event for all our SPHS Volunteers

Have you volunteered in the Cru Shoppe, for the Magis Fashion Show or maybe at an in-school event? We would love to thank you all in person at this wind-up reception. If you are planning on attending the Volunteer Appreciation Reception, please RSVP to the following link, so we can plan food and drink accordingly. See you on the 5th in the Friends and Alumni Hall!

Grade 12 Parents and Parents for Others

If you still want to be involved in the school next year and connect with alumni parents, there is still a place for you. Parents for Others’ (PFO) main objective is to connect past parents with each other at PFO events. If you would like to hear more, a member will be attending the volunteer reception, giving us some insight into the role of the organization.

Friday, 7 June: Crusader Athletic Awards Breakfast

  • What: Breakfast and celebration for all Crusader Athletes.
  • When: June 7th, 8:30 am sharp.
  • Where: SPHS Cafeteria.
  • Cost: None.
  • Sign up: With your coach.
  • Students regstered to attend will receive a breakfast bun from the cafeteria and a small carton of chocolate milk.

Note: Schedule IV will be in effect on this day. Students not involved in the breakfast will have a late start. 

Academic Procedures and Policies

Please read the document linked below regarding acadmic failures, recovery learning, incomplete assignments, and exam absences. 

Academic Procedures and Policies - June 2024 

Semester 2 Exam Reminders

Click HERE to view the Semester 2 Exam Schedule.  

As a reminder, students are expected to write exams at the end of each semester as scheduled. Planned absences during exams should be avoided except in cases of emergencies. In such cases, students may be permitted to write exams on alternate dates with administrative approval. Writing exams prior to the first day of scheduled exams will not be accommodated. 

All grade twelve students are required to write a provincial assessment in the applicable math course.

  • June 11th: Pre-Calculus Math
  • June 12th: Essential Math
  • June 13th: Applied Math

2024 Graduand Prizes

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Allow us to gently remind you about the prizes we intend to award to our young gentlemen for Safe Grad.

We would like to prepare prizes in the form of $25 – $50 gift cards such as restaurants, popular retailers, movie theaters, credit cards (i.e. VISA cash card), etc. While gift card donations are not eligible for a tax receipt, they will be greatly appreciated. Contributions in cash donations towards the prizes may qualify for a tax receipt.  Please reach out to Gillian Hauser, Grad Entertainment Chair by  anytime between today and Monday, June 3, 2024 to drop off the prize donations. If you have any other ideas about prizes that align with the graduates’ interests, please feel free to share with the Grad Committee, as our Golf Tournament is collecting prizes as well.

Additionally, we still have available volunteer opportunities for the upcoming golf tournament! Feel free to explore the volunteer link on our website to get involved and be a part of this exciting event.

Your support and participation are greatly appreciated!

Best wishes,

Nadiya Khrustavka, Grad Communications Chair